REPORT DATE: 11-06-2019 REPORT TIME: 2130 UTC REGION: ATLANTIC SUB REGION: MID ATLANTIC U.S. AREA/BLOCK: North Atlantic 6555 IMAGE DATE: 11-06-2019 IMAGE TIME: 1536 UTC DATA SOURCE: SENTINEL2A MODE: Multispectral RESOLUTION: 10 meter LOCATION: 40°29'25" N/69°52'02" W AREA: 0.30 square kilometers (Updated 05/26/2020) CONFIDENCE: High REMARKS: Possible oil was observed in satellite imagery. This anomaly is unconfirmed as oil. The anomaly measured 2.54 NM in length and 0.17 NM at its widest point. Winds were 15 kts out of the NW. Confidence that the anomaly seen was oil is High. The anomaly appeared to originate from the wreck of the Andrea Doria, a known repeat leak source. UNCERTAINTIES: The full length of the anomaly could not be determined because it merged with natural phenomena in the area. ANALYST: WESTBROOK Maps and shapefiles can be accessed at: ERMA: For further information on oil spill response and assessment go to: If you would like to share any feedback about this report or have questions, please contact the operational analyst at (301) 683-1403 or send to Email alerts are available only for federal and state government officials involved in response efforts. Requests to be added to the email alerts should also be sent to Please allow up to 2 business days to process the request.