On May 31, 2001, we will implement a correction to the HIRS level 1B
data. When clock error corrections are turned on the first scan line is
inadvertently flagged as having a time sequence error. Also, this scan
line has an incorrect calibration parameter causing erroneous brightness
temperatures. These problems will be corrected with the changes on May
31. The change will not affect the user community other than improving
the level 1B data. The updates will be effective beginning with the
following orbits.
NOAA-16 -- NSS.HIRX.NL.D011151.S1344.E1531.B0355657.GC
NOAA-15 -- NSS.HIRX.NK.D011151.S1712.E1836.B1584546.GC
Please contact myself or Arlington Morgan (301-457-5262,
Arlington.Morgan@noaa.gov), if you have any problems or questions.
Thank you.
* Emily D. Harrod
* Product Systems Branch
* Pre-Product Processing Group
* E/SP13, Federal Building #4, room 0318
* 5200 Auth Road
* Suitland, Maryland 20746-4304
* voice 301-457-5247
* fax 301-457-5199
* email Emily.Harrod@noaa.gov