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OMPS SNPP Limb Profile

Launched on board the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) platform on October 28th 2011, the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) comprises the next generation of polar-orbiting operational ozone sounders.

OMPS-LP ozone profile algorithm development and product validation have been taken by the NASA OMPS SNPP science team. Creation of the OMPS Limb Profile EDR at NDE and its conversion to BUFR products will provide the products in NRT on an operational system. The EDRs will also be used as input to provide improved stratospheric information in a new version of the TOAST (Ozone blended products from OMPS LP and CrIS data) products. This project addresses the OMPS LP Sensor Data Record (SDR), Ozone Profile and Ozone Total Column Environmental Data Records (EDRs) from S-NPP with performance requirements captured in the JPPS L1RD supplement. Our Users are NWS, WMO Ozone Assessment.

The OMPS Limb Profiler algorithms implemented at NDE are designed to use the OMPS Limb Profiler RDRs as input to produce ozone profile EDRs. In the process they create five types of output files: Level 1A, Level 1B (SDR), gridded Level 1G, and aerosol and ozone product EDRs. Only the Level 1B and Ozone EDR files are archived.